The recent articles encompass various information regarding RON Coin, primarily the Ronin cryptocurrency and its performance and future predictions. These reports suggest an increased interest in and development of the Ronin ecosystem, the overarching platform for RON. Significantly, a 500% gain was reported as the gaming-focused project nearing a major upgrade. Moreover, founders Sky Mavis, have introduced a RON governance token and are scaling back the liquidity reward by 50%. Knowledge about RON Coin and its potential is boosted through Coinbase and Ronin's Learn & Earn campaign with $RON rewards. Additional improvement factors include Ronin's Katana DEX unveiling a V3 upgrade with decreased rewards.
The discussion on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, in general, is also helpful. Notable figures like former Congressman Ron Paul recognize Bitcoin's legitimacy, talking about 'Competing currencies' at Bitcoin 2024. Meanwhile, Florida<\b> Governor Ron DeSantis<\b>, expressing interest in cryptocurrencies, pledges to ban CBDCs if elected president, highlight conflicts regarding Bitcoin's legal and operative status, and adds to the crypto discourse.
Cryptography thematic news includes the launch of 'RONCOIN', the first cryptocurrency with a 1:1 parity to Romanian RON, Axie Infinity's Ronin Network suffering from a $625M exploit, and the anticipation of token price increases before Unlocks.
RON Coin News Analytics from Mon, 21 Mar 2011 07:00:00 GMT to Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:06:00 GMT - Rating 7 - Innovation 8 - Information -2 - Rumor 6