There has been significant development and focus on Quant, with varied impact across the market space. The ratings on several stocks, including Quant, have been updated. With dwindling fortunes in the energy sector, Quant metrics indicate potential prospects. Future price predictions for Quant extend as far as 2024, 2025 and 2030. A new Quant ETF making use of AI to curate stock options marks an innovative move in embracing technology.
There have been instances of heavy losses in China's quant funds during financial crackdowns; additionally, China's regulations on short-sales dealt a major set back to Quant hedge funds. On the other hand, Quant Mutual Fund stated its responsiveness to regulator queries. Yet, China's exchanges are considering withholding some data from quant funds while the demand for quant-based strategies in Portfolio Management Services (PMS) is on the rise amongst wealthy individuals.
More recently, Quant Mutual Fund is reported to be hoarding every fifth rupee, signaling a significant industry move. On the global stage, the 2024 International Quant Championship is set to kick-off in Singapore. However, the clampdown on quants in China could pose future market risks. Finally, Quant technology has been selected for trial in largest UK banks as R3 technology.
Quant News Analytics from Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT to Wed, 25 Sep 2024 16:48:03 GMT - Rating 3 - Innovation 7 - Information 6 - Rumor -1