dYdX Coin has been making waves in the cryptocurrency market, riding on the back of several major developments. On a positive note, the coin surged 35% after the appointment of David Sacks as Crypto Czar and was backed by a potential 90% rally. Further millionaire investors are swapping UNI for DYDX predicting a rally in the coin's price. Also, important to note is DYDX emerging as a top-performing altcoin and introducing major chain upgrades. On the other hand, the coin received a blow as its CEO, Antonio Juliano, laid off 35% of the workforce hinting at a change in strategic direction. The v3 platform of the decentralized exchange (DEX) platform, dYdX, that underpins DYDX was reportedly compromised around the same period it was rumoured to be up for sale. Still, the coin managed to weather through this storm and even got integrated with the Keplr Wallet, further expanding its user base. While the launch of dYdX Unlimited, the company's reimagined version of DeFi + Derivatives offers groundbreaking possibilities for the platform, the crypto coin struggles continue as some foresee further downturns in the coin's price due to layoffs and other bearish sentiments. However, despite this mixed picture, the resilience of DYDX has prompted some experts to tip it as among the best crypto investment options.
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