The $BANANA coin, linked to the popular Telegram bot Banana Gun, also faced a setback when hackers exploited a money glitch in the game. However, BANANA Gun managed to turn this around with the rapid user growth, nearing its all-time high and recovering from its first losses. The token saw propulsion after a user wallet compromise incident and surged 26% after getting listed in Binance's HODLer Airdrops portal.
Renowned author, Robert Kiyosaki, weighed in on the Bitcoin 'Banana Zone' prediction, further enhancing the speculation around this coin. Amid these developments, concerns were raised about how the Banana Gun's failed contract passed audits and how it affected the token's performance post its Binance listing. With the market left in a jumble due to fluctuating predictions, only time will tell what the future holds for BANANA Coin.
BANANA Coin News Analytics from Wed, 01 Feb 2017 08:00:00 GMT to Tue, 29 Oct 2024 18:49:08 GMT - Rating 2 - Innovation -1 - Information 8 - Rumor -2